No-Till Soybean Weed Control Studies
Ignite Burndown for Roundup Ready Soybean - 1 09-1-ME40 113
Ignite Burndown for Roundup Ready Soybean - 2. 09-YRC-IgniteBD 123
No-Till Burndown Tank-Mixtures for Soybean. 09-YRC-BDtankmix 132
FBS 1039 and FBS 1032 Soybean Burndown Study. 09-22-MS40 139
No-Till Soybean Burndown Evaluation for Vida and Experimental Herbicides. 09-ARC-17-100-N75 144
Tackle Burndown and POST in Soybean. 09-ARC-17-100-M50 149
Burndown and Residual Herbicide Combinations in No-Till Soybean. 09-1-MW90 156
Evaluation of Kixor in Tank-mixtures for Early Preplant Burndown in Soybean. 09-YRC-800TM 161
Kixor Preplant Herbicide Combinations in No-Till Soybean. 09-1-MME60 168
Kixor Preplant Efficacy in No-Till Soybean. 09-YRC-SharpenSoy 185
PRE and POST Programs in No-Till Soybean. 09-1-MMW80 196
Double-Crop Soybean Weed Control. 09-ARC-5B-DC 216
FBS 1032 and FBS 1030 Soybean Manganese Study. 09-22-MN50 219
Long-Term Tillage by Herbicide Study in a Transgenic Corn and Soybean Rotation. 09-9B-Soybeans 223

2009 Weed Research Annual Report, PSAS, SIUC