Corn Hybrids, Insecticides and Plant Growth Regulators
Interaction of In-Furrow Counter with Early Preplant Applied SU Herbicides. 12-WF-SE-N120 339
Corn Hybrid Sensitivity to ALS Herbicides. 12-ARC-20-M220 344
Corn Hybrid Response to POST Herbicide Applications. 12-ARC-20-S385 352
Endigo ZCX Insect Control in Corn - Site 1. 12-ARC-8E-N140 361
Endigo ZCX Insect Control in Corn - Site 2. 12-Syngenta-Cowden 369
RyzUp SmartGrass in Corn. 12-ARC-8E-S140 376

2012 Weed Research Annual Report, PSAS, SIUC